Calculators of integrals and derivatives have currently been implemented for the following functions:

linear functions f(x) = ax + b
power functions f(x) = cxn
root functions f(x) = cxn-1
exponential functions f(x) = cbx

Graphs are customizable by passing the following configuration settings in the web address bar. (For example, directing your browser to power.html?l=4 draws the function with a line stroke of 4 pixels in width, while power.html?l=2 only draws lines half as thick.)

varDescriptiondefault value
l Thickness of line strokes, in pixels. 1.0
r Scope, range and resolution of coordinate plane projection in raster coordinates. For rescaling the graph to better suit your monitor resolution and window size. Good values for this setting are one plus a perfect power of two so that there is an equal power-of-two amount of pixels both to the right and left of the y-axis, in addition to one pixel to account for an exact zero x-coordinate. 513
w Coordinate plane window span and width, in vector units. For adjusting the coverage inside the graph of a wider field of the function's domain and range. 1.0
x Immediately draw the tangent line to the function at the point (x, f(x)). undefined
Any other variables the user would rather set in the URL rather than type into a text box after the page finishes loading, depending on which function type is being graphed with respect to which constant inputs. varies

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