Below are some lists of chess problems that have been collected over the years. Beginners will probably find most of these to be too complex, so scroll down to the list of forced mating themes at the bottom for some slightly more relaxing puzzles. This list is by no means complete and is merely a collection of themes, problems and puzzles that have been extracted from a small number of chess books, video games, and website puzzle feeds.
Suggestions for the list are welcome, or you can just create a working URL to the problem yourself if you know the Forsyth-encoded position string. Be aware that only the Forsyth component is accepted, not the Forsyth-Edwards extension storing whose turn it is, castling rights or anything else. All positions specified in the URL must be with White to move, no castling future for either side, and no immediate en passant option.
White to play and checkmate:
White to play and pull a draw out of his hat:
White to play for the win:
Forced mating themes: